terça-feira, 18 de março de 2014

Today's Headlines


A Year Later: Who Is Pope Francis?
By Deal W. Hudson | March 18, 2014

Just who is the new pontiff, Pope Francis, after his first year in office? He's a Catholic, first of all, which has come as a surprise to much of the secular media. He's neither a man of the left or the right and doesn't seem to look at the Church through that polarizing lens. Pope Francis is attempting a paradigm shift in the Church, one that moves everything towards evangelization, whether it's theology, catechetics, apologetics, homiletics, or liturgy.

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What is happening in India is as dangerous to the fundamental human right to Religious Freedom as the evil onslaught of violent Islamic Jiahdism. It is a form of Hindu Nationalism which is determined to turn India into a Hindu State and compel adherence to a version of Hinduism which has no room for the fundamental right to Religious Freedom of Christians or other religious believers. The martyrs of the early Church died for their faith in that God who was fully revealed in Jesus Christ, and for this very reason they also died for freedom of conscience and the freedom to profess one's own faith - a profession that no State can impose but which, instead, can only be claimed with God's grace in freedom of conscience.

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Patrick teaches us some effective strategies for our work in the contemporary culture of the West.
When Patrick once again landed in Ireland in 432, tasked by the Holy Spirit with evangelizing a pagan people, he drew from a deep, living, dynamic faith. He understood the challenges he faced. He not only faced them without fear, he welcomed them through the courage borne of a living, dynamic, ongoing relationship with the Risen lord Jesus Christ. He had been held captive as a prisoner in that land. He knew the culture, the Druids who ruled it, and the realities he faced in a hostile culture. But, more importantly, he knew the Lord whom he served and he was unafraid. Patrick had a missionary strategy, and it bore extraordinary fruit. We need to follow his example as we set about the missionary task entrusted to us in this hour in the West.

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A Barren Heart: God is in the Desert
By Jennifer Hartline | March 18, 2014

Something deep within is calling me to trust in the goodness of this dry season. If God has chosen this desert for me for now, I will follow Him into it. In the desert there are no distractions, nothing to please my eye and tempt me to look elsewhere. Lazy flesh is being asked to learn greater discipline; a faint heart is being urged on to courage; a spirit full of me is dared to risk being emptied, trusting in Him to fill the void with His own spirit.

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What will your Lenten Pledge be?
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | March 15, 2014

Catholic Online's 'Catholic Team Global is challenging the faithful to take our Lenten pledge. This Lent we are challenging you to make a real Catholic commitment of penitence, and make a difference that will truly help our fellow man.

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Bet you didn't know these 10 things about St. Patrick and Ireland!
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | March 17, 2014

The most kids know of St. Patrick 's Day is that you must wear green or you'll get a pinch from your friends. Adults see the day as an occasion to celebrate, sometimes with green beer and other assorted alcoholic beverages. However, few really know what they are celebrating or why the holiday is so important, particularly in the Americas.

The following 10 facts may help you to better enjoy this popular holiday.

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Anniversary of Pope Francis: Richness of Mercy and Compassion, Inside and Out
By Fr Dr Santhosh Sebastian Cheruvally | March 14, 2014

Within a short span of papacy of just one year, this man from the periphery has proven to be a man of surprises for a troubled Church and a turbulent world. His convictions, his styles, his teachings and his actions have become both a surprise and a scandal in the direction of calling for a change of perception, much more than that a repentant attention to the matters of personal life, Church and World.

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As we reflect on the Transfiguration of Jesus on this Second Sunday of Lent, let us enter more deeply into the mystery it opens by choosing to live differently. Let us draw encouragement from the account of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ. Let us respond to the invitations of grace in our daily lives in order to grow more fully into the Image and likeness of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord revealing His Transfigured glory to a world waiting to be born anew. Our Lenten observance is an invitation into an ongoing transformation in Jesus Christ which begins in time and opens up into eternity. It is not meant to be drudgery but opportunity, for those with eyes to see Jesus on that mountain. Wherever we are on the journey, it is good for us to be here.

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