terça-feira, 4 de março de 2014

Today's Headlines


Pope urges faithful to show love to those who have suffered divorce
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | March 3, 2014

Pope Francis addressed a hot-button topic within the Catholic Church this past weekend: divorce. The pontiff called upon the fait6hful to show support for those whose marriages have failed in his morning Mass on Sunday.

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This Ash Wednesday, take Lent to the next level
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | March 2, 2014

This Ash Wednesday, Catholics are invited to do something exceptional for Lent. We often make sacrifices that mean something to us, but we must take our faith a step further.

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For me, there was water in the desert that night in more than one way: the rain would leave the parched ground green, but the Mass celebrated by Father Joe and the people of God in Paradise Valley would give me hope that other spiritual communities have discovered how to bring a human and humane warmth to the Roman Rite.

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Be Blessed, Not Depressed: Dr Denton Weiss on Overcoming Depression
By Dr Denton D. Weiss, M.D. | March 4, 2014

Literally, over the past month I have seen more depression in my practice and life than ever before. The winter has been extremely long and all around me businesses and relationships are failing.
Depression is a real illness and a real tool of darkness, squeezing the light out of so many lives.There is a way out.

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The greatest gift that God gave to Job was real, purified faith. God answered Jobs\' sincere, heartfelt prayer for insight into his struggles when He spoke to him -out of a storm (Job 38). That\'s right, God was right there in that storm! He always is. He always turns the difficulties, struggles, pain, betrayals, loss in each of our lives to good, as St Paul would centuries later remind the early Christians (Romans 8:28). This stormy encounter between Job and God is reminiscent of another storm, the one we read about in the New Testament on the Sea of Galilee. There, the disciples were with God Incarnate, Jesus Christ in a boat (Matthew 8: 23-27). He was asleep. Terrified, they woke Him and He calmed the storm. In His sacred humanity, asleep in that boat, he showed them an important truth they would later come to grasp as they lived their lives as witnesses for Jesus Christ. He was already there, right in the storm, they just needed to trust and rest in Him.

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By | December 31, 1969

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Pope Francis makes special plea, but will any Catholics really listen?
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | March 4, 2014

Pope Francis continues to call for aid to the poor as the ordinary season ends and the lenten season begins. The Holy Father has set a goal to eradicate global hunger by distributing food more equitably around the world and he has called on all faithful Catholics to help. It's a call that can't be answered by a single second collection at Mass.

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Bolivia Changes Law on Abortion: More Children at Risk
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | February 28, 2014

The South American nation of Bolivia has changed its laws regarding procured abortion. The nation's highest court has ruled that women seeking an abortion in cases of rape or incest will no longer need a judge to give permission for doctors to perform the procedure which always takes the life of another innocent human being. This will make it easier for women to facilitate abortion. Because every procured abortion always takes the life of an innocent child, the child becomes the second victim of the underlying crime of rape or incest.

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By | December 31, 1969

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By | December 31, 1969

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