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| Headlines DEAR CATHOLIC ONLINE: Keep it free, keep it going By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | August 22, 2014 Catholic Online is heavily invested in bringing you world class news delivered from the Catholic perspective. This service is provided for free and we intend for it to remain free for the foreseeable future. However, it comes at a cost and right now, we need each reader of Catholic Online to lend a hand. Continue Reading... TERROR JOINS FORCES: Yemeni al-Qaeda ends solidarity to IS in Iraq By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | August 21, 2014 Evil minds think alike, as two of the world's most deadly terrorist organizations have apparently joined forces in the tumult facing Iraq. The Yemen branch of al-Qaeda has given a "shout out" to Islamic State, who have been busy waging their war of terror in Northern Iraq. "We announce solidarity with our Muslim brothers in Iraq against the crusade. Their blood and injuries are ours and we will surely support them," the Yemen-based branch of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP has been quoted as saying. Continue Reading... Is the First Amendment dead? Police in Ferguson threaten to kill reporters By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | August 20, 2014 Overnight, a police officer in Ferguson, MO threatened to kill a member of the press and was recorded doing so. Now a campaign has started online to identify the officer and remove him from the front lines in Ferguson before he really does act out on his threat. Continue Reading... How far will they go? Islamic State kills an entire village because one man refused... By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | August 20, 2014 A story has emerged about how the Islamic State killed as many as 600 people because of the defiance of just one elderly man. The tale shows how far the Islamic State will go to force its beliefs on the rest of the world. Continue Reading... Wedding rings cut off fingers, bibles burned. Chaldean Catholics Remain Faithful By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | August 19, 2014 If you have followed the horrifying stories of Christians in Iraq, you know that these peaceful people have been deprived of literally everything. They have not simply lost businesses, homes and cars, but also their money, their personal effects, literally everything but the clothes on their backs. Continue Reading... Pope Francis Gives Important Interview On His Return From the Apostolic Visit to Korea By Deacon Keith A Fournier | August 19, 2014 Pope Francis is a refreshingly frank, charismatic and prophetic successor of the Apostle Peter. He stands in the trajectory of Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, and Benedict. He is a true gift to the Catholic Church, the entire Christian community, and the world. I have concluded that he is just the Pope we need at this historic moment. I have also concluded that he knows just what he is doing in shaking things up. Continue Reading... Money is NOT the Root of Evil. Learning to Live Evangelical Simplicity in an Age of Idolatry By Deacon Keith A Fournier | August 19, 2014 Learning to live in evangelical Simplicity strips away what impedes love. In finding our proper relationship to the goods of the earth- not rejecting them, craving them, or turning them into an idol- we can learn true freedom. Our eyes are opened and everything begins to look different because it is bathed in the Light of the Gospel. The phrase - love of money- speaks to the heart. When we love the goods of the earth more than we love the One who created them and entrusts them to us, we commit the sin of idolatry. A destitute person can be just as obsessed with money as a wealthy one who is given over to greed. Greed is a form of idolatry.Evangelical Simplicity, when embraced voluntarily, strips away only what impedes love. In finding our proper relationship to the goods of the earth -not utterly rejecting them, craving them, or turning them into an idol - we find true and lasting freedom. Our eyes are opened. We learn to see Lazarus. We are given the grace to see Jesus in Lazarus.We learn how to walk in the way of evangelical simplicity. We learn to live in the economy of heavenly scale. We also smash the idols of the contemporary age as we the way to true freedom. Continue Reading...Most PopularAncient architectural wonder of Rome Read More For Holy Saturday Reflection: The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary Read More For Holy Saturday Reflection: The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary Read More Good Friday Reflection on the Nature of Sin Read More A Good Friday Reflection: I Thirst Read More News | Catholic Life | PRWire | Encyclopedia | Bible | Prayers | Vocations | Saints & Angels © Copyright 2014 Catholic Online. | |
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