terça-feira, 5 de março de 2013

Timeline of Ancient Greece and Greek Religion

c. 2200 BCEMycenean civilization emerges
c. 2000-1500 BCEMinoan civilization reaches its height on Crete, with its capital at Knossos
c. 1600-1200 BCERule of the Myceneans, based in the city of Mycenae
c. 1400 BCEThe Myceneans conquer Knossos and begin to replace the more peaceful Minoancivilization with their own military-centered culture.
c. 1250 BCEMyceneans may have warred with Troy and triumphed (as retold in the Homeric epics).
c. 1200 BCEOracle at Delphi founded
c. 1100 BCEMyceneans conquered by Dorian invaders
c. 1100-800 BCEThe "Dark Ages," characterized by decline in architecture, writing, and other forms of material culture in Greece.
c. 1000 BCEFounding of Sparta
c. 800 BCEEmergence of Greek city-states, including Athens, Thebes and Megara.
800-500 BCE"Archaic Period"
776 BCEFirst Olympic games (according to tradition)
700 BCEHomer's epic poems first set down in writing
c. 700 BCEHesiod composes his TheogonyWorks and Days, and other poems
c. 650 BCESparta was reorganized by Lycurgus, who made the aristocratic city into an oligarchy based on warfare.
612 BCEBirth of Sappho, the famous female lyric poet from the isle of Lesbos.
594 BCESolon became Athens' chief magistrate. He established the Council of 400 and made other legal reforms designed to give the citizens more voice.
585 BCEThales, founder of school of philosophy in Miletus, is the first to present a rational explanation of the cosmos (namely, that all things are made of moisture).
559 BCEPersian Empire founded by the Cyrus the Great
547-527 BCEPisistratus is ruler of Athens. He establishes festivals, builds temples and fountains, and encourages the growth of olives for export.
534 BCEAccording to tradition, Thespis becomes the first actor by reciting poetry as the characters in the poem.
530Pythagoras, mathematician and philosopher, and his followers found the city of Croton. Their community is based on philosophy, literature, and political activity.
c. 525 BCEGreek drama begins to grow out of the Dionysian festivals, especially with the plays of Aeschylus.
518 BCEBirth of Pindar, Greek lyric poet who is especially inspired by athletic victory.
515 BCEBirth of Parmenides of Elea, founder of the Eleatic school that focused on metaphysics.
510 BCEAthens drove out the tyrant Hippias, son of Pisistratus. Cleisthenes and Isagoras struggle for power.
508 BCECleisthenes flees Athens as Spartan troops approach to assist Isagoras, and Isagoras becomes ruler of Athens.
507 BCECleisthenes returns to Athens and institutes a democracy – one vote for each free man on every matter of importance.
c. 500 BCESparta dominated the Peloponnese region of southern Greece
c. 500 BCEHeight of Greek sculpture begins with the work of Phidias and Myron.
493-429 BCEPericles rules Athens. He solidifies Cleistenes' reforms and masterminds the construction of the Parthenon.
490 BCEBattle of Marathon between Athens and Darius' Persia; Athens is overwhelmingly victorious.
c. 490 BCEIn Athens, the established sculpture style of the Kouros was replaced by the more dynamic style represented by the Critrius Boy.
c. 485 BCEHeraclitus of Ephesus flourishes. He teaches that reality is in a constant state of flux: "One cannot step into the same river twice."
480 BCEIn September, thanks to the military genius of Themistocles, Athenians crush Xerxes and the Persians at the naval Battle of Salamis.
472 BCEPlaywright Aeschylus submits a play called The Persians to the annual drama competition in Athens. The play tells the story of the Battle of Salamis from the Persians' perspective.
469-399 BCELife of Socrates, famous philosopher of ethics. He leaves no written work himself, but is the protagonist of Plato's dialogues.
469-406 BCELife of Sophocles, the second major Greek playwright and author of Oedipus Rex and Antigone.
461 BCEPericles enters public life, rules until 429 BCE. The democracy is perfected and the court system is completed.
454 BCEDelian League, a naval alliance of Athens and other city-states, is established through talks on the isle of Delos.
477 BCEConstruction on the Parthenon begins under the guidance of Pericles.
431-404 BCEPeloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta.
427 BCEBirth of Plato, Socrates' most distinguished student.
399 BCESocrates condemned to death for impiety and corrupting the youth.
146 BCEThe Greek city-states become part of the Roman Empire.

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