sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

25 popes recommend this book

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"His teachings could have come only from a
miraculous invention by God."
Pope John XXII

"The teachings of St. Thomas are so vast that they
contain, like a sea, all the wisdom that flows from the ancients."
Pope Leo XIII

"Because his method is concise, clear,
and easily followed, even persons of little
instruction are eager to possess his writings."
Pope Pius XI

The most extraordinary
(and little known) book
ever written about our Faith

...was not written for philosophers or for
theologians—even though its author was the
incomparable St. Thomas Aquinas, the man
lauded by more than 25 popes as the Church's
preeminent theologian.

Its pages contain the Lenten sermons of St. Thomas
preached to the townspeople of Naples in 1273,
shortly before his death.  

Gathered together in one book, these
sermons constitute a complete catechism on the
teachings and practices of our Faith, and reveal
the profound links that bind Holy Scripture to
each of them.

In one volume,
The Aquinas Catechism
gives you:

An introduction
to the Catholic Faith

A refresher catechism
by the Church's greatest mind

A mini-course in Scripture
by a master of the
Bible, with almost a
thousand Scriptural quotations

A brief course in theology
"taught" by the Church's 
greatest theologian; and

A defense of the Faith
against its critics.

Best of all, because St. Thomas was not writing
for scholars but preaching to laymen, anyone can
profit from the saintly wisdom found here.

To ensure that happens, we have (as the Vatican
joyfully notes below) designed our edition of
these sermons for ease of use: boldfaced
subheadings on every page make them easy to
read and our handy 22-page appendix outlines
the entire book for you.

"A Masterpiece!"
L'Osservatore Romano
"To give highlights of this masterpiece is difficult
because so much is distilled.  The benefits of prayer
are presented so attractively that one wishes one
could pray for hours on end.  A very clever editor put
in helpful headings and subheadings to bring out
more clearly the meaning of the text.  Now beginners
and advanced scholars alike can understand the faith
more aptly through these brilliant sermons of the
Angelic Doctor."

Don't pass up this
opportunity to learn from 
St. Thomas Aquinas himself!

Order online

When you order The Aquinas
, we'll give you . . . 

The Aquinas Prayer Book 
for only $5 more!


Order the set at this link
for only $24.95.

Rich with doctrinal exactitude and a moving beauty of expression, the prayers and hymns of St. Thomas Aquinas have long been considered to be among the Church's greatest treasures.

Now you can bring these treasures into your own prayer life with The Aquinas Prayer Book — the first complete English language collection of these stirring prayers.

This handy and beautiful leatherette volume brings you all of St. Thomas's known prayers and hymns in their Latin originals, along with new English translations. These translations render the originals with superb precision and a soul-fortifying eloquence that rivals St. Thomas's own masterly use of Latin.

A number of these prayers have never before been translated into English. Prayer and praise for all times and occasions, these works are not meant just to be read, but to be prayed. After all, these are the prayers that St. Thomas himself used to bring radiant order to his own spiritual life — upon rising, before setting to work, during periods of meditation, before Confession and Holy Communion, and even as he received the Last Rites. Their subjects are as varied as your own daily spiritual needs. Each one will deepen your faith, enlighten your understanding, and lift your heart to God.

Now you, too, can pray those prayers that helped make St. Thomas Aquinas one of the Church's most renowned and revered saints.  Among the prayers:

  • In Preparation for Study
  • Adoro Te Devote, Latens Deitas
  • To Acquire the Virtues
  • For Ordering a Life Wisely
  • For the Attainment of Heaven
  • Before and After Communion
  • To the Most Holy Sacrament
  • For the Forgiveness of Sins
  • Lauda, Sion, Salvatorem
  • Pange, Lingua, Gloriosi
  • At the Elevation of the Body of Christ
  • At the Time of Death
  • To the Most Blessed Virgin Mary
  • For God's Blessing
  • And others, each a glorious taste of Heaven!
Order the set online
for only $24.95



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