quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2013

Join our Novena for the Faithful in Syria

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Dear Friend,

Novena for Peace for the suffering faithful of Syria

Peace Be with You!

Please join the Holy Father’s call to prayer and “ask fromrefugee children 2 God this great gift of peace for the beloved Syrian nation and for all the situations of conflict and violence in the world.” Pope Francis is urging us to pray and help!

Since the beginning of the civil war in Syria more than two million refugees have fled their homes seeking shelter in foreign countries.  More than half are children.  As of today there are more than one million children living in crowded squalor. 

Aid to the Church in Need has heeded the prayers of the Holy Father and we have helped more than 2,700 families since the refugees have been arriving in countries like Lebanon.

Your prayers are important. Please join us in prayer and let us ask the intercession of Mary Queen of Mercy to embrace in her motherly care those who are affected by war and violence.

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