quinta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2013

Today's Headlines


THURSDAY HOMILY: Put Out Into the Deep and Lower Your Nets for a Catch
By Deacon Keith Fournier | September 5, 2013

Pope Francis continues to call us to Put Out Into the Deep and Lower our Nets for a Catch. He reminds us that the heart of Christianity is found in the continuing encounter with the Lord. We cannot give away what we do not have. In Francis, we have a missionary Pope like few in history. He has done nothing but evangelize from the moment he stepped out onto that balcony at St Peters. His words and his actions have set the tone for such a missionary age.It is time to put out into the deep and lower our nets for a catch.

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Is Democracy Always The Answer?
By Dr. Frederick Liewehr | September 5, 2013

To any American, at least of my generation, the word "democracy" has a familiar and almost theophanic connotation. America is certainly the most successful political experiment in history, and the fact that it is a democratic republic is credited with much of that success. So, the mention of democracy tends to elicit a knee-jerk unquestioningly positive response from most of us. Being elected by a majority does not make a government legitimate. In fact, being elected by 100% of the population does not make a government legitimate. Only to the extent to which governmental actions are consistent with God's law and the moral order is a government legitimate.

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The Mysteries of Light of the Holy Rosary: First and Second Mystery
By Deacon Keith Fournier | September 5, 2013

The Mysteries of Light or Luminous Mysteries are now placed between the Joyful and sorrowful mysteries in our recitation of the Rosary on a sequential basis. Each of these mysteries points the believer to the central meaning of the Mission of the Redeemer, Jesus Christ. While the believer asks for the prayerful intercession of Mary, the Mother of the Lord, he or she is invited to reflect on the meaning of the mystery presented and allow the Holy Spirit to draw them more deeply into its intended effect in their own lives as they seek to follow the Lord Jesus Christ and participate in His ongoing mission, in and through the Church, for the sake of the world.

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Be encouraged, enthused, enlivened, and animated by God's choice in sending YOU. He has chosen YOU. He loves YOU. Allow yourself to feel this choice and this love every day. Give God permission to love and convert you that you may help bring this about in others.

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Obianuju Ekeocha: Legalization of Abortion in my Africa
By Obianuju Ekeocha | September 4, 2013

I just received a very disturbing news from my home state, Imo, situated in the south Eastern part of Nigeria where our State Governor (Governor Rochas Okorocha) and the State Assembly have signed an odious anti-life Bill into law. Like most bills, it is very long and probably intimidating to read. But unlike most bills, it was kept secret- top secret. But, it has now been brought into the light - and it has been thoroughly read and fully unpacked. And what do you know? Buried under hundreds of paragraphs and thousands of words, was the so called Right to Abortion!

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While the eyes of the Nation turn toward the hearings concerning military intervention in Syria, I read a heart wrenching account of a newborn baby found in a trash can in Jersey City on Saturday, August 31, 2013. That's right; a newborn baby was intentionally placed in a trash bag and then left in a trash can behind a five story apartment building on Kensington Avenue. Obviously, the child was left to die by a mother who did not want him or her. It causes a reaction of disbelief or anger doesn't it? It should also cause us to examine who we are becoming.

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During this Year of Faith, it's key for us to grasp that if even demons recognize the authority of Jesus' words and involuntarily obey them, then believers likewise must recognize that authority and voluntarily obey them.

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Pope Francis to Lead World in Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace
By Deacon Keith Fournier | September 3, 2013

Brothers and sisters, I have decided to proclaim for the whole Church on 7 September next, the vigil of the birth of Mary, Queen of Peace, a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, the Middle East, and throughout the world, and I also invite each person, including our fellow Christians, followers of other religions and all men of good will, to participate, in whatever way they can, in this initiative.On 7 September, in Saint Peter's Square, here, from 19:00 until 24:00, we will gather in prayer and in a spirit of penance, invoking God's great gift of peace upon the beloved nation of Syria and upon each situation of conflict and violence around the world. Humanity needs to see these gestures of peace and to hear words of hope and peace! I ask all the local churches, in addition to fasting, that they gather to pray for this intention. (Pope Francis)

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