quinta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2013

Pray for Us: Daily Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Philippians 4:6

Together, let us pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters. Please remember these intentions in your daily prayers.

Jami Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Please pray for my mother and family living in her home. They are being taunted and tortured by a demonic presence in her home. With blood found on walls, ceiling, coming out of outlets, scissors flown and stuck in the wall, flying objects and recently my brother experienced burning and scratches on his chest while they were praying in the home. They cannot find relief and are truly fearful. Prayers will help and are so needed to bring peace in their home and hearts. Thank you so much, jami

Jasel Wednesday, October 23, 2013
To please pray so, that my financial troubles can go away.

Jasel Wednesday, October 23, 2013
To please pray so, that my financial troubles can go away.

Balakumar Wednesday, October 23, 2013
I am Bala from India. I am looking for an opportunity in abroad and planning to relocate with my family. I have been applying for the job requirements for the past 1 month. Till now i have not got any positive reply. Hence i request you to pray for me so that Jesus bless me with a very good and suitable opportunity in abroad and also our Lord almighty help me to relocate along with my family. I also ask Jesus to take away all misunderstanding between me and my wife and restore the happiness which we had earlier. Lately, i have a very bad feeling of losing my wife to my in-law because of the misunderstanding. Hence i pray that Jesus that i do not get into such situation and plead him to restore our happiness.

Natasha Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Am twenty seven years old with four children. I just lost my apartment due to non-payment, because of lack of hours at work. Staying with family, but feeling overehelmed by how small this place is. Hardship is very stressfull taking a toll on my children, myself and possibly about to lose my job. I am looking for another, fulltime work. I really just need to be uplifted these days. My attitude is not what it used to be. I appologize for this, I have never done this before please forgive me.

bianca Wednesday, October 23, 2013
i am14 yrs old. my dad works abroad but doesn't send regular support to us. pls. pray that my dad will stop lying to my mom so they won't fight. i pray that he learns to manage his finances and avoid wasting his earnings to other people for his vices. i want to finish school. my mom tells him to pray a lot and appreciate the blessings God is giving him but he does not listen. i wish that he would communicate with us especially now that my mom lost her job and has hypertension. i love my parents and it hurts me a lot when i hear my dad does not send money and when he makes excuses for not sending support. dear Jesus please help my parents.

sarada Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Please,..please Kindly PRAY ..... for my Husband K.Chandra sekhar to Deliver him from the worldly Temptations , Harmful People , wrong relations & LUST of Women . Jesus please Repair & Rebuilt my Marriage with Jesus Love & abundant Grace..

liezel Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Dear God, I pray for me and Mark. Help me what to do-to stick with him or not. I love this guy.

Ivetta Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Dear Heavenly Father, have mercy on our family, bring unity in our hearts, that we can live in peace together, make a way for reconciliation and loving cooperation , dignity and respect, that we all can follow you faithfully and love you more. Amen

migdoni pineda Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Please pray for me and my son we are going to court to obtain th right to stay in our apt. We need a least. I HAVE live in this apt for the padt 18years. My son is 12 and love his house. I pray to God to protect us and to keep r us. I will seese the JUDGE ON NOVEMBER 19 20139AM


Fantasias Irma / Irma Beads

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