quarta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2013

Today's Headlines


We pray for our grandfathers, our grandmothers, who often have had a heroic role in the transmission of the faith in times of persecution. When mum and dad were not at home and also had strange idea, that the policies of that time taught, the grandmothers were the ones who passed on the faith.Today let us petition the old Saints - Simeone, Anna, Polycarp and Eleazar - so many old Saints: Let us ask for the grace to cherish, to listen to and venerate our elderly, our grandparents. (Pope Francis)

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WEDNESDAY HOMILY: Our Lady's Encouragement
By Fr Samuel Medley, SOLT | November 20, 2013

I got off the subway at Termini station and went up to the busy streets of Rome. I had to walk past the place where all the prostitutes gathered. I looked down at the street and began to pray in fear. Suddenly I heard a feminine voice say, "Be a man!" I felt strong enough to look up at a young woman in the face who was there selling herself on the corner and say with a gentle understanding smile that said, "JESUS LOVES YOU. BE NOT AFRAID."

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Tuesday Homily: Conversion and Perseverance in the Life of Faith
By Fr. Roger J. Landry | November 19, 2013

As the Year of Faith draws to a conclusion, we, like Zacchaeus, are called to repent all those times that we haven't set an example of faith for others. And through the intercession of the martyrs Eleazar and Polycarp, we ask God for the grace to set such an example of fighting the good fight, finishing the race, and keeping the faith, that we will inspire many others to join us on the road of faith so that with them we might enjoy forever the joy at the end of the journey of faith with Christ the King and all his good and faithful servants.

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It is scandalous that so many Catholic politicians are responsible for enabling the passage of this legislation and even twisting the words of the pope to rationalize their actions despite the clear teaching of the church. All politicians now have the moral obligation to work for the repeal of this sinful and objectionable legislation. We must pray for deliverance from this evil which has penetrated our state and our church. (Bishop Thomas Paprocki)

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In regard to Albuquerque, there is only one correct way to vote in the election of November 19 and that is to vote to protect children in the womb. An up and down vote like this admits of no ambiguity. Those who fail to vote to protect these children have innocent blood on their hands. Whatever else they use their hands for in the future, the fact that they still have those hands is more than we can say about the children who will lose theirs if this measure does not pass. (Fr Frank Pavone)

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By | December 31, 1969

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The law is bad law because it will contribute over the long run to the further dissolution of marriage and family life, which are the bedrock of any society. The Church will therefore continue and strengthen her ministry to families. We have lived with bad laws before, and we will do our best to adjust to this one for the sake of social harmony. (Cardinal George)

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We are thirsty and they give us condoms! We are hungry and they offer us contraceptive pills! We are sick and they offer us the most modern techniques of abortion! We are naked and they lead us into the arms of sexual hedonism! We are imprisoned by poverty and they offer us sexual liberation! Silent tears roll down for Africa in a modern world that can neither see our pain nor hear our cry for help.We mourn deeply for the destructive seeds of sexual revolution which were sown last week in Adis Ababa.

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MONDAY HOMILY: Lord, Please Let Me See!
By Fr. Stephen B. Reynolds | November 18, 2013

Lord, please let me see. - How could Jesus not be moved by this request, this plaintive and direct petition? Especially since this blind man - called Bartimaeus in the Gospel of Mark, but here curiously unnamed - freely acknowledges the Lordship of Christ.

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Live Ready. Persecution is One of Those Promises of the Bible
By Deacon Keith Fournier | November 18, 2013

No matter how difficult it may become, we need not be afraid. We were born into these times and we are born again for these times. In fact, the Lord is giving us all we need to be his witnesses during these times. We should not be surprised that they are treating us the way they treated him. It is one of the promises of the Bible! In a contemporary Christian culture infected by a mistaken notion that following the Lord Jesus means we will no longer have to suffer or face need, the witness of the Apostle Paul, the writer of our epistle today, stands in stark contrast. The Gospel without the cross is not only poor theology, it has caused too many Christians to miss the mark, which is the definition of the Greek word translated sin in the New Testament.

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