quinta-feira, 10 de julho de 2014

Today's Headlines


A CALL FOR HELP: Christians in war-torn Iraq face murder, rape
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | July 9, 2014

Among the many casualties in the war in Iraq are the many Iraqi Christians, long a source of persecution, put in the position of being raped and murdered in the deteriorating situation. Aid to the Church in Need, a non-governmental organization is reaching out to the world community to help.

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Louisiana Supreme Court orders priest to violate seal of Confession
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | July 10, 2014

The Louisiana Supreme Court is seeking to compel a Catholic priest to violate the confessional privilege under the state's mandated reporting laws. Under Canon Law, priests are prohibited from disclosing what is discussed in the confessional.

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Our culture is so obsessed with making the case for same-sex "marriage" that now, astonishingly, sane people have to actually make the case for mothers and fathers. We've elevated sexual preferences and wants high above the needs of our children. Whatever else you may call it, it's not love.

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Birth control computer chip implanted under the skin 'could be on sale by 2018'
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | July 8, 2014

Long in gestation, the idea of a computer chip implanted under the skin to regulate fertility is now within throwing distance of becoming an actuality. The idea has been with us since the Nineties, and thanks to a nudge from Microsoft's Bill Gates, such as device could be available by 2018.

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By | December 31, 1969

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Christian joy is not rooted in the circumstances and struggles of our daily lives. It also need not be robbed from us by them. Sometimes the travails we experience are the bad fruit of the disorder and brokenness caused by sin, our wrong choices. However, even then, they need not rob us of Gospel Joy. The Goodness of the News we proclaim to the whole world does not change. And we proclaim that Good news in word and lifestyle. Our circumstances simply present us with an invitation as to how we will respond to them. Living faith gives us the means. Christian Joy finds its root in the relationship we now have in and through Jesus Christ, with the Father, in the Holy Spirit. That relationship not only survives struggle, it thrives in struggle. That is, if we have living faith. We can learn to rejoice because the Lord is always near.

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An article published in 2011 in Forbes is making the rounds again and people are talking, but despite the dust on the copy, it's a timely conversation. The article by Brendan Coffey reveals that there are four companies that control 147 other companies and those 147 companies control virtually everything. So in other words, control of world markets is quite concentrated.

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The full commercialization of Sunday - from business being open to people working on what is biblical to be a day of rest, has Pope Francis in lamentation. The abandoning of the traditionally Christian practice of not working on Sundays has a negative impact on families and friendships, he says.

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Freedom of speech is a great thing. Unfortunately, it comes at an unavoidable price: When citizens are free to say what they want, they'll sometimes use that freedom to say some pretty silly things. And that's the case with the 12 false claims below. Some of them are made over and over, others are rare. Either way, while the proponents of these errors are free to promote them, we as Catholics have a duty to know better and to respond in charity.

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