terça-feira, 15 de julho de 2014

Today's Headlines


Pope Francis asks us to pray for peace.

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The universe has gotten a lot darker. Astronomers have discovered an enormous deficit of ultraviolet light in the known universe and are at a loss as to why that is.

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By | December 31, 1969

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The Bible is an invitation into an encounter with the living God. Its words are not a formula to obtain some notion of success in life, but an invitation into a communion of Love with the Living Word. The Bible is not some-thing, but reveals Some-One- Jesus Christ the Living Word of the Father. My favorite definition of a theologian is taken from the early Christian Monk Evagrius of Pontus. He said a theologian is one - who rests his head on the chest of Christ.

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I have personally been criticized for challenging Christians to stand up together as bold witnesses for God and for truth resisting evil, being effective as salt and light helping impact and correct our nation's perilous course. I have been criticized for trying to inspire an end to the biggest church fight in history between Catholics and Protestants by calling all sides to repentance and true holiness and an intimate personal relationship with Christ. Believe me, there is room for massive repentance on the part of every person who professes to know God and believes relationship with God is more important than mere religion. And our God is big enough to heal any divide, including those between professing Christians.- James Robison

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Sunday's World Cup match will be absolutely historic for Catholics around the world and especially in the Vatican. For the first time in history two living pontiffs, Emeritus Benedict and Francis, will watch teams from their respective homelands meet for the World Cup final.

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A CALL FOR HELP: Christians in war-torn Iraq face murder, rape
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | July 9, 2014

Among the many casualties in the war in Iraq are the many Iraqi Christians, long a source of persecution, put in the position of being raped and murdered in the deteriorating situation. Aid to the Church in Need, a non-governmental organization is reaching out to the world community to help.

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Louisiana Supreme Court orders priest to violate seal of Confession
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | July 10, 2014

The Louisiana Supreme Court is seeking to compel a Catholic priest to violate the confessional privilege under the state's mandated reporting laws. Under Canon Law, priests are prohibited from disclosing what is discussed in the confessional.

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Birth control computer chip implanted under the skin 'could be on sale by 2018'
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | July 8, 2014

Long in gestation, the idea of a computer chip implanted under the skin to regulate fertility is now within throwing distance of becoming an actuality. The idea has been with us since the Nineties, and thanks to a nudge from Microsoft's Bill Gates, such as device could be available by 2018.

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