segunda-feira, 7 de julho de 2014

Today's Headlines


Freedom of speech is a great thing. Unfortunately, it comes at an unavoidable price: When citizens are free to say what they want, they'll sometimes use that freedom to say some pretty silly things. And that's the case with the 12 false claims below. Some of them are made over and over, others are rare. Either way, while the proponents of these errors are free to promote them, we as Catholics have a duty to know better and to respond in charity.

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Fr Dwight Longenecker: A Hot Line to the Holy Spirit
By Fr Dwight Longenecker | July 6, 2014

Catholics certainly believe in the individual's infilling with the Holy Spirit, but we hold this in balance with the equally important truth that the Church herself is inspired and filled and guided by the Holy Spirit. The Church is the Body of Christ on earth, and as such is a living, moving, breathing, Spirit filled organism-against which the gates of hell will never prevail. It is this Spirit filled Church which provides the balance and ballast for our own individual experience of the infilling of the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit-filled Church which provides the correction and qualification of our claims. It is the Spirit-filled Church which validates God's guidance in our lives and it is the Spirit filled lives of the saints, the teaching of the Church and the liturgy of the Church which deepen, broaden, complete and sacramentally seal the personal infilling of the Holy Spirit.

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The scientist who discovered the Ebola virus. Dr. Peter Piot says that the current outbreak of the body-melting virus in West Africa, in which 467 people have died, is "unprecedented." Piot also said that "because of the greater awareness, there is hope. But we're running out of time."

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By | December 31, 1969

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The Prayer of the Heart
By Deacon Ian VanHeusen | July 3, 2014

If we think about it, we all recognize that communication is about much more than words. When we listen to another human being, we listen to the whole person. We recognize the inflection of their voice, their body posture, and their facial reactions. All of these features give us insights into what is being communicated. In this way, communication between persons can never be reduced to simply an exchange of information. We do not simply communicate ideas and concepts, but rather we communicate a whole interior world that has many shades of meaning.

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The promise of the Declaration of the Declaration of Independence cries out for those who believe in its promise to stand up for its true meaning and work to restore the unique experiment in ordered liberty which it offers for future generations. Like millions throughout the United States of America, my family will pause to thank God for the privilege of living in this Nation. My wife and I are in Bothel, Washington, visiting our son, daughter in law and two of our six grandchildren. We will attend a picnic, observe the fireworks, celebrate and express our gratitude for a Nation which still offers so much promise. Then, I will rededicate myself anew - to working for the more perfect application of the principles which inspired the founders. Those principles beckon every succeeding generation to sacrifice again to secure the blessings of liberty for all.

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Pope Francis speaks against moral decay
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | July 1, 2014

Pope Francis has taken the Eternal City to task for its widespread moral decay. Child prostitutes, poverty and busy soup kitchens make the Argentine pontiff question the veracity of his adopted home, which he says, should be a "mirror to the world."

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In his introduction to The Screwtape Letters, a brilliant work exposing the unseen spiritual warfare taking place around all of us which uses a series of letters between two demons - the older Screwtape, an instructor and the younger student Wormwood - the great apologist CS Lewis wrote - There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight.

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Let's not gamble with life, it's time to 'double down' on pro-life!
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | July 2, 2014

We have great news! In case you haven't heard, the U.S. Supreme Court has just upheld our First Amendment right to freedom of conscience by ruling Obama's contraception mandate unconstitutional for religious employers.

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