Fellow Protector of Life: Your hard-earned income is taxed in order to pay Planned Parenthood as much as $1,660 for every baby they kill. That's 330,000 babies every year. We seek to stop them. As our allies in states from Texas to North Dakota champion life, we intend to bring an end to taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. The recent groundswell of national support is boosting our hopes of ending abortions in America. Some in government prefer to spend hundreds of millions of YOUR tax dollars to kill innocent, preborn lives. We seek to stop them once and for all! Guided by our Catholic values and teachings, we will ensure that our elected leaders are forced to end this culture of death. We will be vocal, steadfast and vigilant in maintaining the sanctity of life as a vital priority to the success of our nation. Our supporters helped close forty-seven Planned Parenthood clinics in 2011 and another thirty-six in 2012. With your help, we intend to stop abortions by ending federal funding to Planned Parenthood and others like them. Our education arm is doing its part to ensure that every American knows their hard earned taxpayer dollars help pay for the death of 330,000 innocent babies each year. There is no excuse for an American taxpayer to pay for abortions when you can just as easily save a life for $150! That's what it has cost us on average to save one baby. Now is the time to turn up the heat and get Congress to investigate and shut down Planned Parenthood's funding, especially in this time of fiscal crisis. It is outrageous for us to permit the U.S. Government to provide Planned Parenthood with $350 Million of taxpayer dollars over just five years to fund their depraved sex-education and a culture of death! We call on Congress to pull the funding immediately, and to restore fiscal and moral sanity to our government, for the good of this nation and our children. But they won't do it unless we have your support to pressure them. Abortion is a direct attack on the preborn child and the mother. Nobody bills Planned Parenthood for the psychological and emotional torment that the mothers go through after killing their child; you pay for that with your health insurance premiums. Increased infertility, problems with future pregnancies, physical scarring, pills that allow the mothers (and now children of any age) to kill their next baby without a second thought ... you're probably paying for those too. Needless spending and the deaths of innocent children should unite all Americans in the cause of placing our nation back on a proper moral foundation. Don't let even one more baby be killed in your lifetime! Yours in Life,
P.S. Children as young as those in kindergarten are being indoctrinated with such filth that if it was shown to them in a park by a stranger he would be locked up! We must stand for decency and save the life of the most innocent, but we can only do it if you join us in forcing an investigation into Planned Parenthood! Please contribute $25, $35, $50, $150, $250 or whatever amount you can afford to help save innocent children from a needless death. Thank you! |
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