quarta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2013

Today's Headlines


The election of Archbishop Kurtz and Cardinal DiNardo reaffirms the leadership of the Catholic Church on Life, Religious Freedom and Marriage at a critical time in our history. It also exposes the annoying and tiring effort to place in opposition the welcome direction from Pope Francis to lead with mercy and love and the prophetic mission of the Church to defend life, family and freedom. Like so many things Catholic, it is not either/or but both/and.

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It is very disturbing to see how, in more recent years , there has been a bolder and stronger insistence by International Abortion industry to bring Abortion into African countries (against the will and ways of the African people) that have historically valued and cherished human life from conception to natural death. It is also painful to see that in most (if not all) cases, the pro-abortion voices and interest groups that are raised in Africa have been easily linked or traced to wealthy American or European based organizations that are bent on spreading the scourge of Abortion throughout the world.

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By | December 31, 1969

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WEDNESDAY HOMILY: Be Healed of Leprosy
By Fr Samuel Medley, SOLT | November 13, 2013

Leprosy, we are told in the book of numbers, came from Miriam, the sister of Moses, grumbling about his authority and inciting people against Moses. God was not happy. He had said, "Moses was very humble, more than anyone else on earth." Moses, when he saw what happened to Miriam after she had just finished raising up people against him, cried to the Lord, praying for his persecutors, "Please, not this! Please heal her!"

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The Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, gave an amazing address to the Bishops on Monday. He opened up the richly pastoral, prophetic and evangelistic vision Pope Francis has for the Bishops of the whole Catholic Church in this new missionary age.The outgoing President of the Conference, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, gave a powerful message on the rising tide of threats to religious freedom and the growing persecution against Christians around the world. The Cardinal Archbishop from New York has been an extraordinary leader of the Bishops Conference for the last three years.

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TUESDAY HOMILY: Seeing Things Aright, With Faith
By Fr. Roger J. Landry | November 12, 2013

In the encyclical The Light of Faith, written by the "four hands" of Pope Francis and Pope-emeritus Benedict, we learn that faith is a new way of seeing. Faith is not only a light that illumines every human reality, the Popes tell us, but it is a participation in Jesus' own way of seeing. We begin to see things as God sees them and therefore as they really are. We are enabled to go beyond the appearances, beyond superficial human understandings, to see realities to which those who don't look with faith are blind.

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By | December 31, 1969

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Obama enjoying one of the best stock markets for a re-elected president
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | November 12, 2013

The stock market is enjoying increased stimulus under President Barack Obama. Many analysts say that the economic outlook is considerable, considering that this is Obama\'s second term in office. However - there are growing indications that this may not last.

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They gave their lives for a country who believed that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." We can live our lives standing for the same principles.

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