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| Headlines Vatican Extraordinary Synod on the Family Will Reaffirm Church Teaching on Marriage and the Family By Deacon Keith Fournier | November 6, 2013 As Archbishop Bruno Forte explained, "addressing the challenges of contemporary family life "is not, therefore, a matter of debating doctrinal questions, which have in any case been clarified by the Magisterium recently . the invitation deriving from this for all the Church is to listen to the problems and expectations of many families today, manifesting her closeness and credibly proposing God\'s mercy and the beauty of responding to His call". Continue Reading... WEDNESDAY HOMILY: Protecting the Sanctuary from Being Trampled By Fr Samuel Medley, SOLT | November 6, 2013 Hatred, or odium in Latin, according to St Thomas Aquainas, is the emotion that God created for the human heart to protect our love. Hatred of anything that possesses that inmost sanctuary, that can only belong to God, protects us from being deceived and living with that painful unmet expectation, of trying to have a creature satisfying the longing which only God can fulfill. Continue Reading... TUESDAY HOMILY: The Blessing of Dining in the Kingdom By Fr. Roger J. Landry | November 5, 2013 The New Evangelization is the effort to re-propose the Gospel to those who have in some degree heard the Christian message but have distanced themselves from the Christian life. We're sent out to invite them anew to the banquet God the Father is throwing for his Son here on earth and in heaven. He wants his banquet hall to be filled. Some people don't accept the greatest invitation ever, or as Jesus says at the end of the parable, those who are invited don't end up tasting the dinner. They don't grasp how blessed it is to dine in the Kingdom of God. But others do. The man throwing the banquet sent out his servants to bring in the poor, crippled, the blind and lame, and then sent them out again to the highways and hedgerows to invite yet others so that his hall would be filled. Continue Reading... Christ Is In Our Midst: What I Love About Catholicism By David L. Jones | November 5, 2013 There is so much I could and want to say... Someday I will write a book but until then here are my thoughts. I love Catholicism for The Religious Sense - the love of truth, beauty and good. It is open to all of reality. I love how the Catholic Faith impacts culture, i.e. literature, art, poetry, theater, music, politics, economics, international relations/foreign affairs, etc. Catholicism asks the hard questions. It doesn't shy away from public discourse or talking about the common good. Continue Reading... Morally Coherent Catholics in Virginia Should Vote for Ken Cuccinelli for Governor By Keith A Fournier | November 5, 2013 On Wednesday, October 23, 2013, the Virginian Pilot ran an offensive and ill-informed political cartoon drawn by Walt Taylor. It depicted a voter casting a ballot for Governor while holding his nose. It was ironic because it depicted the exact opposite of the truth we face as Voters. Virginians are not facing a "lesser of two evils" conundrum when they go to the polls on November 5, 2013. The choice between the two candidates for Governor of Virginia has never been clearer. We can walk with our heads held high into those voting booths and vote for someone who will govern this Commonwealth with integrity, wisdom, courage, and compassion, infused with an understanding of personal and social responsibility. That candidate is Ken Cuccinelli. Continue Reading... Slaughter in Syria: 45 Christians Killed by Islamists in Sadad and Thrown into Mass Graves By Deacon Keith Fournier | November 5, 2013 We have shouted to the world but no one has listened to us. Where is the Christian conscience? Where is human consciousness? Where are my brothers? I think of all those who are suffering today in mourning and discomfort: We ask everyone to pray for us. (Archbishop Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh) Continue Reading... MONDAY HOMILY: Not Just Serving, But Loving the Poor By Fr. Stephen B. Reynolds | November 4, 2013 Service to the poor is not simply a question of providing material comfort, but of forging personal bonds with them, of coming to know them and understand them, and giving them to opportunity to know us. In short, it is an encouragement to form authentic bonds of Christian community. Continue Reading... Healthcaregov.: A MOST alarming breach of security By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | November 4, 2013 If there was any more reason to distrust Obamacare, people signing up online are now reporting that after registering, they are being sent HIGHLY confidential information from other applicants. There is always a potential risk when one enters private information online - but one incident is especially egregious. Continue Reading... SUNDAY HOMILY: Learning to Follow Jesus From a Man Named Zacheus By Deacon Keith Fournier | November 4, 2013 Zacheus climbed that tree in order to see the Lord, not to be seen by Jesus. He did not care what the crowd thought of a grown man climbing a tree! He went after the encounter with Jesus Christ with a childlike simplicity and a reckless abandon. Do we? The story of Zacheus invites us to ask ourselves if we are serious about fully and truthfully living out our Christian vocation. Do we really want to see Jesus or are we comfortable with keeping Him at a distance? Do we compartmentalize our lives, living a separation between faith and life that keeps religious things in some religious compartment, treating faith like a hat that we put on and take off depending upon the environment that we find ourselves in? Continue Reading...Most PopularPriest Returns from China - Has Mass Blocked by U.S. Government Read More What child is this? Cute little boy hugs Pope Francis during papal address Read More Countless U.S. families will be devastated with food stamp cuts Read More Morally Coherent Catholics in Virginia Should Vote for Ken Cuccinelli for Governor Read More Millions lose coverage, and yes, your new Obamacare will be more expensive Read More News | Catholic Life | PRWire | Encyclopedia | Bible | Prayers | Vocations | Saints & Angels © Copyright 2012 Catholic Online. This e-mail is never sent unsolicited. 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Apenas Para Falar de Mim Dividido Nunca, Dividir Jamais, Creio eu???Where's....m...!!!!
quarta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2013
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