sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2014

Today's Headlines


So You Have Decided To Try Home Schooling - What Next?
By Christine Sacchi, | January 17, 2014

Now that we've discussed how anxiety should not prevent people beginning to home school, let's look at what comes next. Three things to think about when starting are: curriculum, support groups, and dealing with family and friends' reactions.

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I write to oppose a proposed IRS Regulation, #134417-13, entitled ; "Guidance for Tax-Exempt Social Welfare Organizations on Candidate-Related Political Activities" What it should be entitled is "Overturning Citizens United by Subterfuge". Or, better yet, "Regulation designed to prevent Pro-Life, Pro-Marriage and Pro-Religious Freedom organizations from full political participation in the 2014 and 2016 election.I have written for years of the necessity of forming alliances to engage the issues which are so critical to the true common good. The use of so called 501 c4 organizations is a powerful resource for those committed to restoring justice for the child in the womb, ensuring the preservation of the central role of marriage and the family, preserving the first freedom of religious freedom and contending for the truth that there is a moral basis to a truly free and just society.

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The community of Catholic Online continues to answer Pope Francis' call to feed the world's hungry. With a third shipment of food aid to the Philippines ready to go, the work hasn't stopped. A fourth is planned and Catholic Online with Your Catholic Voice Foundation has a powerful new solution in the works. We will be working with Pope Francis to go further than ever before in the fight against hunger and poverty. Read on to learn what this exciting new solution will be.

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The issue at the heart of an Evangelical Catholic movement is not about whether Catholics believe their faith is "good news." Of course they do! The issue is their willingness, or lack of willingness, to share it. Those of us who have belonged at one time or another to a brand of Evangelical Protestantism know first hand that the disposition to share the faith, to witness, is considered an explicit obligation within that community. In other words, an Evangelical is someone who looks for and takes the opportunity to talk to others about the Christian faith in terms of morality, salvation, and final judgment. The long list of Catholics and Catholic institutions I listed earlier, held in common a commitment to give witness to their Catholic faith.

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The case originated with a courageous seventy seven year old Massachusetts woman named Eleanor McCullen. She is a mother and grandmother who goes to abortion clinics and peacefully seeks to help the mothers and the fathers understand the truth concerning what happens in every abortion. She also gives out knitted stocking caps filled with educational information on alternatives to abortion. She and her colleagues believe that the First Amendment is supposed to protect them. They are completely peaceful, do not block access, and offer support, educational information and assistance. This is a public sidewalk.

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Nuns hopeful of stay, read the headlines. No, they weren't going to be executed. Only their consciences were to be violated. The HHS Mandate was going to force them to cover abortifacient drugs that can end the lives of unborn children. Now, and only temporarily, the Supreme Court has stayed the execution of the HHS Mandate under ObamaCare. Never in America's long history has such a headline even been imaginable. The gravest threat to religious freedom has been part of what President Obama meant when he said he would "fundamentally transform this country."

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Since John Paul II there has been much discussion of "evangelizing the culture" and for Catholics to become more "evangelical" in their witness to the world. Those Catholics who describe themselves as evangelical or are doing evangelism, often look and sound to my ears anyway, like Protestant Evangelicals with a slightly different vocabulary. To my eyes and ears, there have been few examples of a genuine integration of evangelical zeal with Catholic piety; rather, Southern Evangelicalism has been laid over the Catholic faith like peanut butter over stale bread. That's not enough!

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The inference in many media reports is utterly absurd, that Pope Francis is speaking out on the intrinsic evil of procured abortion to somehow silence his conservative critics. Sadly, this lightweight narrative has been propelled in the media, secular and religious, since Francis assumed the Chair of Peter. The truth is that Francis is as passionately Pro-Life as his predecessors. In fact, he may, with his newest inspired turn of phrase, Throwaway Culture be giving the movement dedicated to protecting our youngest neighbors in the womb the fresh verbal and conceptual framework it needs at this critical time.

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American culture over the past 50 years has slowly been \"occupied\" by elites that don\'t profess the same values of the Founders; or the religious groups who came here to freely practice their faith; or the men and women who fought and died in the two great wars. The nation\'s most historic and influential youth clubs, first the Girl Scouts and now the Boy Scouts, have become flagships for the \"gay agenda,\" which goes far beyond the issue of basic human rights.There is no need to enumerate the major cultural institutions that have become voices for an ideology counter to the Christian, and other faiths. What we need to affirm, however, is that we never faced an army rolling down the street with tanks and machine guns. We have actually accepted and funded the cultural takeover, voluntarily.

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