Do you struggle to keep your Lenten sacrifices year after year? Do you feel guilty when you neglect your Lenten devotions? Are you committed to making this your holiest Lent yet? Lent is hard, and it's so frustrating when we lose focus and surrender to our weaknesses time and time again. That’s why all the great saints encouraged meditation as a sure-fire way to place yourself in God’s presence and grow closer to Him. Through meditation, we take our eyes off ourselves, and we walk faithfully in the hands of God. There is no better time to begin — or to renew — the habit of meditation than during the Season of Lent. So if you want to combine the spiritual benefits of a holy Lent with the bountiful harvest that regular meditation brings, then your soul is crying for Meditations for Lent.  These brief but powerful meditations are collected from the voluminous writings of 17th Century Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet. Bishop Bossuet is considered to be among the best homilists in the history of the Church, and his great piety and eloquent writings have been cherished by Catholics for hundreds of years. Now they're available to you in English, for the very first time! In these pages, Bishop Bossuet will take you on a stunning inner pilgrimage to an unforgettable encounter with Jesus’ tender love for you as he freely gave His life for you on the Cross. Each meditation is short, and it is a robust complement to the daily readings at Mass during the Lenten season. Read Meditations for Lent and you won't arrive at Easter Mass distracted, exhausted, and frazzled, having neglected your sacrifices and your ordinary prayers, too. Instead, you'll find yourself walking joyfully into church, ready and eager to adore the resurrected King. And your soul will be what it should be: a fit dwelling place for the Redeemer. "Bossuet is a hidden treasure of profound spiritual insight, and his meditations will transform your Lenten experience." Dan Burke Executive Director, The National Catholic Register "Classic wisdom in a crisp new translation that will be of great spiritual value to everyone seeking to live the Faith more fully." Robert Royal Faith & Reason Institute "These meditations will help you 'enter by the narrow door' just as Jesus urges us." Fr. Paul Check Director of the Courage Apostolate  Meditations for Lent Jacques-Benigne Bossuet List Price: $12.95 - 224 pages Order Online HERE Save 30% when you order The Treasury of Catholic Meditations!  Without regular reminders of God and a steady routine of prayer and meditation, your inner life shrivels up, your prayers grow listless, sacramental grace becomes inaccessible, and even the Mass feels fruitless. Daily meditation is a proven remedy for dangerous spiritual lethargy. That's why we've compiled this four-volume Treasury of Catholic Meditations to help you manage your spiritual readings and to achieve the glorious aim of all prayer: union with God! Written by some of the Church's greatest theologians, these meditations will teach you to be ever attentive to the presence of God in you, to remember that He wants you to be a saint, and that He stands ever ready to help you attain that lofty goal. Follow these prayers and you'll soon find yourself reaping the rich spiritual harvest that regular meditation brings - a stronger will, an even greater love of God, and a divine peace and joy that no person or circumstance will take from you. Meditations for Lent will lift you to God and help you enter into the spirit of mortification called for by the Church during the Season of Lent. Meditations Before Mass offers practical, straightforward advice that will help you overcome distractions and restlessness during Mass. Everyday Meditations will help you discern God's voice daily, rest in it, and respond to it according to each day's opportunities and needs. Meditations for Advent will keep you prayerful amidst the worst distractions of the holiday season. “Everyday Meditations is the kind of book that, if taken to heart, draws us into the arms of God.” Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Archbishop of Philadelphia “These meditations will change your life—helping you to grow in faith, hope and love.” James D. Conley, S.T.L. Bishop of Lincoln  Order The Treasury of Catholic Meditations at this link for only $39.99! Order online above, or call 1-800-888-9344 Save up to 40% when you join Sophia's  |
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