sexta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2014

Today's Headlines


Bolivia Changes Law on Abortion: More Children at Risk
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | February 28, 2014

The South American nation of Bolivia has changed its laws regarding procured abortion. The nation's highest court has ruled that women seeking an abortion in cases of rape or incest will no longer need a judge to give permission for doctors to perform the procedure which always takes the life of another innocent human being. This will make it easier for women to facilitate abortion. Because every procured abortion always takes the life of an innocent child, the child becomes the second victim of the underlying crime of rape or incest.

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Family as Domestic Church: Good Eats at the Dump
By Tara K. E. Brelinsky | February 28, 2014

Standing in the middle of the kitchen with mayo, mustard, bread and cold cuts spread out before me, my attention was drawn to the front door as it abruptly swung open. In swaggered my five year old with a smug smirk asking, "Is it lunchtime?" I replied in the affirmative. That's when he flashed his full toothy grin in my direction and informed, "I already had my lunch. I got it at the dump!" He placed full emphasis on that last word, dump, like it was synonymous with The Russian Tea Room."EEK!" I thought, "I hope he doesn't go spreading that around." Imagine what everyone would think.

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We welcome the members and leaders of all of the ecclesial movements who love the Lord and his Church - and are responding to the call to be laborers in the Vineyard in this hour. Consider Catholic Online as a friendly mission stop, a place where you can spread your message and be strengthened and encouraged. Consider Catholic Online a place where you can find food and resources for your work in the Vineyard of the Lord and share your story with an ever expanding global community.

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By | December 31, 1969

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This Ash Wednesday, take Lent to the next level
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | February 28, 2014

This Ash Wednesday, Catholics are invited to do something exceptional for Lent. We often make sacrifices that mean something to us, but we must take our faith a step further.

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Why the Kepler planet discovery changes ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!
By Marshall Connolly (Catholic Online) | February 27, 2014

Few people paid attention to the news yesterday when it was announced that the Kepler Space telescope had discovered 715 new planets orbiting distant stars, after all, it's just one more astronomical discovery that doesn't mean much to folks on Earth. -But actually, it changes everything.

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Another Federal Judge, U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia in San Antonio, Texas, has decided that he is a legal alchemist, able to change the nature of marriage by the stroke of a Judicial pen. In his opinion styled Cleopatra De Leon et al, v Rick Perry et al, he joined a growing number of Judicial Oligarchs who disregard the Natural Moral Law and the clear will of the people concerning the nature and ends of marriage.They are now issuing judicial decrees, pretending to be well reasoned opinions. They are presenting themselves as concerned for human rights when, they have simply determined that, based on their own authority; marriage is no longer between a man and a woman. They use a lot of sophistry and cite a lot of alleged legal precedent, in an effort to make themselves out to be liberators who are expanding marriage, when in fact they are undermining it, along with the common good of society.

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What Does it Profit a Catholic Politician to Promote Abortion?
By Steven W. Mosher | February 28, 2014

A Northern Virginia candidate for Congress boasts of having asked the Federal government to allow women to buy oral contraceptives over the counter. She also says she is a pro-life Catholic. Can she have it both ways?

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Tomorrow, I will awaken next to my beloved. We will soon celebrate our 38th wedding anniversary. The day will burst into a flurry of activity with a unique ritual pattern. To the untrained eye, it may look hectic. But with the eyes of domestic faith, my wife Laurine and I will see the deeper purpose. All those years of raising children, and now trying to help raise grandchildren, we have come to comprehend the mystery hidden in the routine of family life. There is almost a liturgical sameness to the pattern that emerges after so many years- by practice, developed spiritual purpose, and just plain ordinary human repetition. But it can all become transforming when lived out in Christ. It is here, where the rubber hits the road for most Christians. It is here that the universal call to holiness, in all its real, earthy, incarnation is lived out-in all of its humanness and ordinariness.

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Why A Former Evangelical Loves the Rosary
By Fr Dwight Longenecker | February 26, 2014

The journey of Christian healing is never over, and the rosary has been my link back to that same power that constantly seeks to draw me back to Christ. I am also convinced that praying with the rosary has been one of the great magnets that finally drew me into full communion with the Catholic Church.

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