Easter 2014 Dear Friend, What is a day in the life of a missionary like? For Father Aurelio Gazzera, a Carmelite priest doing God’s work in war-torn Central African Republic, a day begins like this: “5:30 am: Shooting woke us up, and lasted three hours….at 8:30 am, we decided to celebrate Mass, even though a few people preferred to wait for the shooting to end. And then a small miracle, as we began to pray, the shooting stopped for the entire day! In the afternoon, the children were singing, traditional songs and many others. One in particular strikes me, it’s a beautiful chorus: “Stop shooting! Stop killing!” This Easter, please join me in praying for missionary priests like Father Aurelio, who find courage in the face of danger, to feed the bodies and spirits of those who hunger. "Living Holy Week,” says Pope Francis, “means learning to come out of ourselves, to reach out to others, to go to the outskirts of existence, to be the first to move towards our brothers and sisters, especially those who are most distant, those who are forgotten, those who are most in need of understanding, consolation and help. There is so much need to bring the living presence of Jesus, merciful and full of love.” Father Aurelio and his fellow missionaries across the globe live Holy Week every day. From nurturing peace talks between villagers and rebel leaders, to making sure there is grain to feed refugee children and families, to comforting those who have lost loved ones. The risk of danger or even death is great, but Father Aurelio’s belief and faith are greater. He does not give up. Those who know only violence and death wield strong weapons; but the voices of those who know God’s love are stronger still. Father Aurelio and so many other missionaries are the first to assist our vulnerable brothers and sisters. These courageous priests need your help. As you live Holy Week this year, please make a meaningful gift to support our missionaries. Your support will help priests like Father Aurelio bring the living presence of Jesus, merciful and full of love, to those most in need. May God bless you, and may the joy and hope of His Resurrection be with you and your loved ones always.  P.S. This Easter, please join me in praying for missionary priests like Father Aurelio, who find courage in the face of danger, to feed the bodies and spirits of those who hunger.  |
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