Dear Pro-Life Friend, The man you see here smiling is the U.S. Supreme Court pro-abortion Justice Stephen Breyer. But he has nothing to smile about. And that is because he is the Justice that ruled in favor of partial birth abortion. You know what a terrible thing that is. Partial birth abortion is a procedure that kills partially delivered babies by puncturing the back of the child's skull and removing the baby's brains. That's no smiling matter. But furthermore, I regret to inform you that America's largest Catholic school of higher education, DePaul University, has invited Justice Breyer to be a guest speaker for their 20th annual Clifford Symposium on April 24. So I ask you: Should Catholic universities be host to a man who publicly supports the killing of unborn children? You know the answer. Absolutely not! And since you are a person who believes in speaking out for the unborn… …Will you join with others who believe in innocent life — and protest this scandal? I urge you to take action immediately. If you support the God-given right to life, send this respectful and peaceful protest to DePaul University. Click Here to Protest http://www.tfpstudentaction.org/pro-lifers-to-depaul-university-dont-host-pro-partial-birth-abortion-judge Your signed petition will help stop this scandal — and together with thousands more — will be presented to officials of DePaul University. But in order to be effective I must collect 20,000 signed petitions before April 24. And then I will deliver them to the University. Please believe me — 20,000 petitions will get attention. That's why I need your petition. And you don't need to be a student to sign. You can be the voice of the unborn, regardless of your age. Click Here to Urge DePaul University to Cancel Justice Breyer's Talk I urge you to sign the petition — because if you believe in life — then you must never remain silent when it comes to the sin of abortion. God bless you for caring and fighting for the truth. From the front lines, John Ritchie Tradition Family Property Student Action, Director P.S. -- Because the unborn have no voice, I'm asking you to be that voice. Sign your protest, asking DePaul University not to host pro-abortion Justice Breyer. And I urge you to send this alert to all your pro-life friends. I'm working around the clock with a great team of dedicated volunteers, but there's only so much we can do. We are counting on you to help us reach 20,000 petitions before April 24. Click Here to Urge DePaul University to Cancel Justice Breyer's Talk |
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