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| Headlines Pope Francis encourages people to kiss crucifix and recite simple prayer By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | April 16, 2014 Pope Francis is encouraging people this holy week to pick up a crucifix, kiss it and recite the simple prayer: "Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord." He wishes to remind others that Christ's passion "isn't the happy ending of a beautiful fairytale, it isn't the happy ending of a film", but is the result of the loving intervention of God, who wanted to give humanity hope and salvation. Continue Reading... Holy Thursday: Take Up the Basin and Towel. Love is a Verb. By Deacon Keith Fournier | April 17, 2014 The Vigil Mass of Holy Thursday is meant to deepen our understanding of the self emptying of Jesus Christ. It is also meant to open up for us a deeper understanding of the meaning of our own lives. He, who is Lord and Master, King of Kings, took off His Cloak of Royal Splendor and became a Servant. He washed the feet of those whom He had chosen to continue His Redemptive work. He showed them what they were chosen to do and enlisted them to live lives of self emptying Love for the world. As we enter into the Triduum, the three days which is one great liturgical day, we can make this mystery our own. We are not spectators, we are to become participants. All who bear the name Christian are now called to pick up that basin and towel, to climb upon that Cross and live this way of Love in service. Continue Reading... 15 Movies You Should Watch When You Turn 50 By Deal W. Hudson | April 17, 2014 To put it bluntly, there are some books we shouldn't try to read when we are young because, first, we won't really understand them, and, second, having read them we will very likely never read them again, and it's later on in life when we recognize why they are considered classics. The same is true with movies, perhaps not to the same extent, since films rely more on images and less on language. But using my argument about books, I want to recommend some 15 movies you should watch after you turn 50, and if you have already watched them perhaps you will give them another try. These films were decidedly not made for teenagers, or even young adults. They were made for grown-ups, for viewers who have lived long enough, and suffered enough, to have a realistic view of the human condition. Continue Reading... Living Among the Pharisees By Deal W. Hudson | April 15, 2014 I will not quote directly from the article - there is no need to infect readers with the Phariseeism pervading Ruse's psychological/spiritual analysis of Thomas Williams. The readers can judge for themselves. I've been the target of similar, and worse, invective from self-appointed Catholic accusers -- such as Ruse, which I've always ignored and just done my work. But when someone goes out of his way to make life harder for a man who is trying to put his life back together after years of humiliation I cannot ignore it. There are few actions I can think of that are further from the spirit of Pope Francis than Ruse's public intrusion into the life of Thomas Williams. Continue Reading... Reflection: Let us Apply the Splint of the Cross to our Fractured Freedom By Deacon Keith Fournier | April 15, 2014 Let us keep before us over these next few days this poignant insight from the Catechism: "The more one does what is good, the freer one becomes. There is no true freedom except in the service of what is good and just. The choice to disobey and do evil is an abuse of freedom and leads to "the slavery of sin.(CCC 1733)" Let us choose to change, choose to grow in the likeness of the One who carried His Cross to free us from the power of sin and the final enemy of death Continue Reading... Peter and Judas: A Lesson in Mercy and Hope By Fr. Bernhard Speringer and Jennifer Hartline | April 15, 2014 In the Passion according to St. Mark we notice the parallel between Judas and Peter. Superficially, Peter and Judas have the same fate. Both betrayed Our Lord, both recognized their own guilt and felt remorse, both received Jesus' love even after the betrayal: A look. A kiss. Where is the difference? Why do we have such dramatically different endings given the seemingly equal fate of both apostles? The difference lies in this only: Peter trusted in God's mercy - Judas did not. Continue Reading... Palm/Passion Sunday: Will We Make This Week Holy By Encountering Jesus Christ? By Deacon Keith Fournier | April 15, 2014 Palm/ Passion Sunday: Make This Holy Week a Deep Encounter With Jesus Christ! Pope Francis makes special plea, but is asking us - Are you listening? By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | April 14, 2014 Pope Francis continues to call for aid to the poor as the holiday season ends. The Holy Father has set a goal to eradicate global hunger by distributing food more equitably around the world and he has called on all faithful Catholics to help. It's a call that can't be answered by a single second collection at Mass. Continue Reading... The Protest Against Evil and the Rise of Atheism: Is Evil Really the Problem? By Deacon F. K. Bartels | April 13, 2014 It sounds very nice, a world devoid of suffering and every type of evil. However, there are some problems with such an idea, at least for now, given the present situation. What would it mean for us if there were no potential for evil? Atheists often reject God in protest against the reality of evil in the world. But is the reality of evil a reasonable objection against the existence of a personal, loving God? Perhaps it is helpful to reflect on some of the good that, with God's help, can be brought from evil. Continue Reading...Most PopularPapyrus that suggests Jesus was married is genuine, but it still doesn't prove much Read More Palm/Passion Sunday: Will We Make This Week Holy By Encountering Jesus Christ? Read More Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where Jesus was crucified and buried Read More Peter and Judas: A Lesson in Mercy and Hope Read More Ancient temple of the goddess Athena Read More News | Catholic Life | PRWire | Encyclopedia | Bible | Prayers | Vocations | Saints & Angels © Copyright 2014 Catholic Online. This e-mail is never sent unsolicited. You have received this Catholic Online e-mail because you subscribed to it or someone forwarded it to you. To opt out, see the links below. TO ADVERTISE TO SUBSCRIBE Remove your e-mail address from our list. We respect your right to privacy. View our policy. This e-mail was sent by: Catholic Online, P.O. Box 9686 Bakersfield, CA 93389 USA | |
Apenas Para Falar de Mim Dividido Nunca, Dividir Jamais, Creio eu???Where's....m...!!!!
sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2014
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