terça-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2014

Today's Headlines


Pope Francis makes special plea, but will Catholics really listen?
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | January 7, 2014

Pope Francis continues to call for aid to the poor as the holiday season ends. The Holy Father has set a goal to eradicate global hunger by distributing food more equitably around the world and he has called on all faithful Catholics to help. It's a call that can't be answered by a single second collection at Mass.

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As someone who has thousands of Catholic "friends" on Facebook, I'm reminded almost daily of the fondness many ardent Catholics have for images of Christ and Mary, and other religious subjects, that fall under the species of art called kitsch. In fact, it's my observation that most of the art in America considered Catholic is kitsch. Thus, I know I am treading on thin ice by speaking critically of images that millions of Catholics hold dear.

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Could the Miracle of the Loaves Teach Us About Economics?
By Deacon Keith Fournier | January 7, 2014

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI called for an approach to economic development which points to another way, the way of gift, love, participation and communion. He helps to unpack the meaning of the Gospel story of the multiplication of the loaves, inviting us to build an economy of gift and communion. The Gospel account is not only about a miracle which occurred in that lonely place, but about the miracle which can occur in every lonely place, including the place in time in which we now find ourselves.

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Asia Bibi is a Roman Catholic Christian woman with fundamental human rights which have been egregiously violated. The Pakistani Blasphemy Law being used to suppress her practice of her religious faith in this Islamic Nation is unjust, immoral and must be repealed. In the face of such an obvious attack on a Christian, for being a Christian, all those who bear the name Christian must pray, show fraternity, and act in solidarity. FREE ASIA BIBI!

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World Peace Day - Pope Francis has a message for the world and it's every bit as beautiful as you can imagine
By Marshall Connolly, Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | January 4, 2014

Pope Francis wrote his World Peace Day Message on December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate conception, as is the custom of the Popes. It was released on Jan 1, 2014, the actual date of the World Day of peace. Take the time to read it, several times, and ponder what the Holy Father is telling us. It is a wonderful message and one that will shape how we engage; how we pray and act in the year to come.

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The first sentence of this Sunday's gospel (Mt 2:1-12) presents us with a contrast between three figures: Jesus, Herod the Great, and the magi who search the night for the focal point of a star's light, the newborn king of the Jews. Herod stands in between, not as a bridge but as an obstruction whose evil intent is to destroy the Child the magi seek. Herod represents the opposite of the divine mission of Jesus as well as the goal the magi have in mind in seeking out the Son of God made man.

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The present culture is robbing men of their masculinity, according to feminist scholar Camille Paglia in a recent interview. As a result, "What you're seeing is how a civilization commits suicide." Anyone who has been around the academy in the past 30 years will have noticed the deep roots put down by feminist and gay theorists. Their complaints about the dominance of men and the normativity of heterosexuality have permeated every part of academic culture, so much so that it has seeped into primary and secondary education as well.

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It is the promotion of monogamous marriage, family, authentic human freedom, the dignity of every human person and the existence of objective moral truths which can be known by all - and unalienable rights endowed upon all - which has guided real progress in human history.These are not outdated ideas. Rather they pave the path to a future of freedom. We need to present a vision for a future of promise predicated upon a true humanism. We need to present a positive governing vision of hope, rooted in a true recognition of the human person, the family and the truly just society.

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