segunda-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2014

Today's Headlines


Time for a Massive Marriage Defense Movement in the U.S.A.
By Deacon Keith Fournier | February 2, 2014

The marchers in China, in France and all over the world are the proponents, the defenders, of true liberation. They are advocates for a society of human flourishing and freedom. They defend real marriage and thereby defend the rights of children to a mother and father. They promote the true common good. The Marriage Defense Movement is growing. We are the new and true counter culture of this age. We will prevail. History, truth and authentic social justice are on our side. The next year will show that this movement is the future. It serves the true Common Good. Stay tuned, pray, and get ready to fully participate.

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By | December 31, 1969

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Answering the Only Question That Matters About Abortion
By Jennifer Hartline | January 31, 2014

Pregnancy is no easy thing, period. There is no reason not to admit that pregnancy can be very, very hard on a woman. It can be every good and beautiful thing, and it can be some very difficult things, too. That's the truth,plain and simple. But here's the bottom line: it's irrelevant. All that matters is the humanity of the child in the womb.

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Swedish scientists claim to have developed an ethical way of removing stem cells from embryos without killing the baby. They say the development could revolutionize stem cell research by making it acceptable to those who object to the killing of children in the womb. Unfortunately, ethical concerns remain.

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Where We Meet Real Presence
By Deal W. Hudson | January 31, 2014

Polls show that more than 60 percent of American Catholics say they do not believe in the Real Presence-that Jesus Christ is bodily present in the Eucharist. What does this mean? Are U.S. Catholics lacking in faith or poorly catechized, or are there more basic flaws in our current understanding of the Real Presence? I think most Catholics understand Real Presence too narrowly.
When people discuss the Real Presence, they usually have in mind what happens at the moment of consecration when the bread and wine turn into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. But this is not all there is to the meaning of Real Presence.

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Rolling Stone Magazine hit the newsstands this morning with the picture of Pope Francis on the cover. The lead article by Mark Binelli entitled Pope Francis:The Times They Are A-Changing has caused such a stir that the magazine has raised eyebrows - and may actually make a profit. Of course, the writer hoped it would reinforce the absurd thesis he thinks he can support in this silly, poorly researched article. He thinks the times they are a-changing means the Catholic Church and her message is changing.He is wrong, but all Press is good press in this new missionary age.

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Keeping the Moral Law and Staying Human
By Andrew M. Greenwell, Esq. | January 30, 2014

St. Peter of Damascus (ca. 675-ca. 749) wrote regarding the moral law of God: "We have the duty of keeping the commandments--or, rather, being kept by them." St. Peter realized that by keeping the natural moral law, we both keep a duty to God and keep ourselves. By disobeying the natural moral, we not only disobey God, but we also lose ourselves.

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But, Father! This is for the Renewal in the Spirit folks, not for all Christians!' No: prayer of praise is a Christian prayer, for all of us. In the Mass, every day, when we sing the Holy, Holy, Holy ... This is a prayer of praise: we praise God for his greatness, because He is great. We say beautiful things to Him, because we happy for His greatness

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Literacy and The Necessity of the Visual
By Deal W Hudson | January 29, 2014

In a world where our minds and hearts are, on a daily basis, being shaped and informed by images, whether stills or moving, becoming visually literate is a goal we should all pursue and should certainly provide for our children. This will mean that we learn not only to understand the "grammar" of image representation but also the skills to create those representations. In other words, we all need to learn how to make a film. More on this later!

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