quinta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2014

Today's Headlines


By | December 31, 1969

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No honest, sincere analysis of the response of the Catholic Church to this matter, and the recent heightened actions of Pope Francis, can lead to any other conclusion but that the Catholic Church is responding with a vigorous and serious global response to this evil. More remains to be done. However, the report issued by the UN Convention went way beyond that subject.It intruded into the doctrine, teaching,discipline and rights of the Church.It insisted that the Church change its unchangeable teachings. It even scolded the Church on how she instructs children in Catholic schools and sought to impose a curriculum. It was an example of what is increasingly wrong with the agenda and behavior of the United Nations these days.

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Fr Dwight Longenecker on Difficulties with Adam and Eve
By Fr Dwight Longenecker | February 6, 2014

I reminded him that the stories in Genesis are ancient Hebrew creation myths. They are symbolic stories that incarnate the truth. They are not necessarily factual reports of exactly what happened. However, it is not true that the stories are intended to be merely myth-that is a fairy tale that didn't happen at all.The Jewish writers are intent to show that God's interaction with humanity is historical and real and not mythological in the fairy tale sense. Consequently, we affirm that Adam and Eve were historical figures-how and when they lived and the details of their fall from grace are open to speculation based on the Biblical account.

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Bill Donohue of the Catholic League on Apes and Abortion
By Bill Donohue, Ph.D | February 6, 2014

For many decades, Steven Wise has been promoting the rights of apes. To be specific, he would like to see chimpanzees awarded "legal personhood." He is most known for championing the Great Ape Legal Project, seeking to represent little King Kongs in court. Last month, on December 2, he got a little closer to his dream: he filed a writ of habeas corpus in New York State Supreme Court for Tommy, saying the ape is being held unlawfully by his owners.Wise credits Peter Singer, author of Animal Liberation, with inspiring him. Singer also champions the Great Ape Legal Project, and he contends that gorillas should have the same rights as humans. But this is where it gets tricky: he also thinks it should be perfectly legal for parents to kill their children up until 28 days after birth (I'm sure that if he were pressed, he would round it off to a month).

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By | December 31, 1969

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We at Catholic Online working through Catholic Team Global and sponsored by Your Catholic Voice Foundation, are extending you and all Catholics an invitation to the start of something that is so powerfully amazing it will change your life as well as the lives of millions of others forever.

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The Lenten Challenge of Pope Francis: Live Evangelical Poverty
By Deacon Keith Fournier | February 5, 2014

Christ's poverty is the greatest treasure of all: Jesus wealth is that of his boundless confidence in God the Father, his constant trust, his desire always and only to do the Father's will and give glory to him. Jesus is rich in the same way as a child who feels loved and who loves its parents, without doubting their love and tenderness for an instant. Jesus' wealth lies in his being the Son; his unique relationship with the Father is the sovereign prerogative of this Messiah who is poor. When Jesus asks us to take up his "yoke which is easy", he asks us to be enriched by his "poverty which is rich" and his "richness which is poor", to share his filial and fraternal Spirit, to become sons and daughters in the Son, brothers and sisters in the firstborn brother (cf. Rom 8:29).

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That image, that the poor are "the flesh of Christ" never left my heart. Every time I call it back to my mind it pierces my heart again. Pope Francis sounds like his namesake, the little poor man of Assisi named Francis. There is a saying attributed to St Francis of Assisi. Whether he actually said it or not matters little. "I preach the Gospel at all times and sometimes I use words." St. Francis became a word from the Lord for others through the witness of his life. He lived in a manner that drew others to follow the pattern of Gospel simplicity. I suggest that his namesake, the 265th successor of Peter, also named Francis, is following in his footsteps.

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Could Catholic Education Save America?
By Dr. Frederick Liewehr | February 4, 2014

A child's soul is looking for God, and it is our duty as parents to ensure that it finds Him, which is the mission of catechesis. As the Catholic Encyclopedia says, "The teacher should endeavor to influence the child's heart and will, and not be content with putting a certain amount of religious knowledge into its head; for, as Aristotle would say, the end of catechizing is not knowledge, but practice. Knowledge, indeed, there must be, and the more of it the better in this age of widespread secular education; but the knowledge must lead to action."

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