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| Headlines BROADCAST LIVE! Join Pope Francis Campaign through our Day of 'Prayer and Action' on Google! By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) | February 8, 2014 We at Catholic Online working through Catholic Team Global and sponsored by Your Catholic Voice Foundation, are extending you and all Catholics an invitation to the start of something that is so powerfully amazing it will change your life as well as the lives of millions of others forever. Continue Reading... United Nations Demands the Catholic Church Drop to Her Knees By Deal W. Hudson | February 7, 2014 Call this a prediction that I bet will come true: The Holy See and the Catholic Church will, in the near future, be called before the International Court of Justice to answer for its history of crimes against children. The United Nations will be the prime mover in this, but liberal elites in the United States will be doing all they can to bring the Church to Her knees. Continue Reading... What's Really Behind the Persecution of Christians in the Middle East? By Sonja Corbitt | February 7, 2014 Religious extremism contributes to the persecution and elimination of Coptic Christians from the Middle East. But we must not single out Islamic extremists as the sole threat to Christian presence in the area. It is not the movement of Muslims into the area or Islamic violence, but brutal economic conditions that proceed from the political climate between Israel and Palestine that are forcing Christians to leave and inciting violence. Continue Reading... Homily: Becoming Light and Leaven for the World By Deacon Keith Fournier | February 7, 2014 The late Blessed John XXIII wrote, "Every believer, in this, our world, must be a spark of light, a center of love, a vivifying ferment in the dough: He will be so to the degree that, in his innermost being, he lives in communion with God. In fact, there can be no peace among men if there is no peace in each one of them." The Gospel of this Sunday Liturgy asks each one of us today, whether we will be light and leaven, salt and seed? We are all called into a world desperately in need of God. Will we be "a spark of light, a center of love, a vivifying ferment in the dough?" Continue Reading... Anti-Catholic Agenda of United Nations in the Report on the Convention on the Rights of a Child By Deacon Keith Fournier | February 7, 2014 No honest, sincere analysis of the response of the Catholic Church to this matter, and the recent heightened actions of Pope Francis, can lead to any other conclusion but that the Catholic Church is responding with a vigorous and serious global response to this evil. More remains to be done. However, the report issued by the UN Convention went way beyond that subject.It intruded into the doctrine, teaching,discipline and rights of the Church.It insisted that the Church change its unchangeable teachings. It even scolded the Church on how she instructs children in Catholic schools and sought to impose a curriculum. It was an example of what is increasingly wrong with the agenda and behavior of the United Nations these days. Continue Reading... Fr Dwight Longenecker on Difficulties with Adam and Eve By Fr Dwight Longenecker | February 6, 2014 I reminded him that the stories in Genesis are ancient Hebrew creation myths. They are symbolic stories that incarnate the truth. They are not necessarily factual reports of exactly what happened. However, it is not true that the stories are intended to be merely myth-that is a fairy tale that didn't happen at all.The Jewish writers are intent to show that God's interaction with humanity is historical and real and not mythological in the fairy tale sense. Consequently, we affirm that Adam and Eve were historical figures-how and when they lived and the details of their fall from grace are open to speculation based on the Biblical account. Continue Reading... Bill Donohue of the Catholic League on Apes and Abortion By Bill Donohue, Ph.D | February 7, 2014 For many decades, Steven Wise has been promoting the rights of apes. To be specific, he would like to see chimpanzees awarded "legal personhood." He is most known for championing the Great Ape Legal Project, seeking to represent little King Kongs in court. Last month, on December 2, he got a little closer to his dream: he filed a writ of habeas corpus in New York State Supreme Court for Tommy, saying the ape is being held unlawfully by his owners.Wise credits Peter Singer, author of Animal Liberation, with inspiring him. Singer also champions the Great Ape Legal Project, and he contends that gorillas should have the same rights as humans. But this is where it gets tricky: he also thinks it should be perfectly legal for parents to kill their children up until 28 days after birth (I'm sure that if he were pressed, he would round it off to a month). Continue Reading...Most PopularIn the debate between Ken Ham's Creationism vs. Bill Nye's Science, both are wrong Read More Answering the Only Question That Matters About Abortion Read More All Press is Good Press: Pope Francis and the Cover of Rolling Stone Magazine Read More Time for a Massive Marriage Defense Movement in the U.S.A. Read More Atheist advertisement planned for Super Bowl ruffles some feathers Read More News | Catholic Life | PRWire | Encyclopedia | Bible | Prayers | Vocations | Saints & Angels © Copyright 2014 Catholic Online. This e-mail is never sent unsolicited. You have received this Catholic Online e-mail because you subscribed to it or someone forwarded it to you. To opt out, see the links below. TO ADVERTISE TO SUBSCRIBE Remove your e-mail address from our list. We respect your right to privacy. View our policy. This e-mail was sent by: Catholic Online, P.O. Box 9686 Bakersfield, CA 93389 USA | |
Apenas Para Falar de Mim Dividido Nunca, Dividir Jamais, Creio eu???Where's....m...!!!!
sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2014
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