quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2013

Comparison Chart: Catholic and Protestant Beliefs

he chart below provides a quick-reference guide to the major differences between Catholic and Protestant theology, especially at the time of the Reformation. As is always true with charts and other summaries, the information is oversimplified for the sake of brevity and should be used alongside more complete explanations.
The Protestant positions listed here are based primarily on the historical Lutheran and Reformed perspectives. The beliefs listed for both Catholics and Protestants by no means represent those of all churches or individuals within that tradition.
For more detailed comparisons that take into account differences within Protestantism, see the comparison charts on Facts and StatsBeliefsPractices, and Social and Ethical Views of Christian Denominations.

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AuthorityScripture and traditionSola Scriptura - Scripture alone
BibleIncludes apocryphaExcludes apocrypha
Results of FallCorruption and tendency to sinTotal depravity and guilt
Free willFree to do good or evilFree only to do evil
PredestinationRelated to God's foreknowledgeRelated to God's decrees
AtonementDeath of Christ created merit that is shared with sinners through sacramentsDeath of Christ was a substitutionary sacrifice that satisfied God's justice
Divine gracePrevenient grace helps one believe; efficacious grace cooperates with the human will to do goodCommon grace enabling good works given to all; sufficient grace for salvation given to elect only
Good worksMeritoriousResults of divine grace and unworthy of merit
SalvationReceived at baptism; may be lost by mortal sin; regained by penance. Those who have never heard of Christ may be saved. (Catech 847)Result of divine grace; unconditional. Those who have never heard of Christ may be saved.
The ChurchThe Catholic Church is "the place where humanity must rediscover its unity and salvation" (Catech 845) but those baptized in other Christian denominations are in communion with the Church (Catech 838).There is a distinction between the visible and invisible church. God saves anyone he chooses, or anyone with proper faith, regardless of church membership.
SacramentsConvey grace by their operation (ex opere operato).Means of grace only if received with faith.
PriestsA special vocation for some believers; mediators between God and manPriesthood of all believers.
Prayer to saintsAcceptedRejected

Main Source

  1. Robert C. Walton, Charts of Church History (Zondervan, 1986), p. 41.

More Online Resources on Catholicism vs. Protestantism

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