quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2013



David Miscavige works for and answers to Scientology’s millions of parishioners. He is unrelenting in his service to their interests and the interests of the religion. The period of stellar growth he has spearheaded has been described as nothing short of the renaissance of the Scientology religion.
As the driving force behind a worldwide program to expand all Churches of Scientology to better serve their communities, Mr. Miscavige led the creation of a new breed of Scientology Churches. These Churches stand as points of succor where all are welcome. These are also the Churches from which Scientologists extend their social betterment programs to mitigate intolerance, illiteracy, immorality and drug abuse.
L. Ron Hubbard expressed the goal of Scientology to create Churches that reflect physically what they provide spiritually:
“You are creating an island of friendliness, decency and succor in the sea of a violent world. ... Some time in the future the islands will become the sea.”
To realize this goal, in 2004 Mr. Miscavige launched a program with the stated aim of making every Church of Scientology into an ideal Church of Scientology—ideal in location, design, quality of religious services and social betterment programs. 
Each Church is uniquely configured to accommodate the full array of Scientology services for both parishioners and the surrounding community.  Each houses extensive public information multimedia displays that introduce every facet of Dianetics and Scientology. Additionally, libraries, seminar rooms and chapels serve as places to hold Sunday services and other congregational gatherings. The first wave of these new Churches now graces world cultural centers, including MadridLondonBerlinNew YorkRomeWashington D.C. and Brussels.
New Ideal Organizations now regularly open their doors, with many others are on the horizon, as Scientologists rally in support of a global Ideal Churches movement to serve their communities long into the future. (See: David Miscavige: At the Helm in the Era of Expansion)


As ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, Mr. Miscavige has devoted himself to making the Scripture of the Scientology religion accessible to all.  For a quarter century, he ceaselessly advanced L. Ron Hubbard’s intention to provide the writings and lectures on Dianetics and Scientology to all people of Earth, in all languages. With Mr. Hubbard’s works on the mind and spirit comprising 18 million written words and 2,500 recorded lectures, the codification, restoration, translation and publishing of these works was daunting. But by the close of 2009, the 25-year undertaking to restore all Dianetics and Scientology materials was completed and for the first time the entire body of Scientology Scripture is available in the exact chronology in which the material was originally delivered by Mr. Hubbard.
The backdrop against which this “Golden Age of Knowledge” unfolded is the Materials Guide Chart, a comprehensive guide long advised by L. Ron Hubbard and brought to life by Mr. Miscavige. It pictorially represents a chronology of Mr. Hubbard’s written and recorded materials and their interrelationships. In full, the Golden Age of Knowledge constitutes the single most sustained program in Scientology history to recover, restore and verify the Scientology Scripture. Included were projects to locate all extant manuscripts and recorded lectures by L. Ron Hubbard—which in turn necessitated scouring every locale where he wrote or lectured. A two-million-man-hour project to ensure the purity of the materials further included correcting transcription errors in dictated manuscripts, removing editorial additions and alterations, identifying incorrect sequences and missing text and verifying every page as complete, correct and true to Source.
Thereafter and in sequence: With the launch of the Golden Age of Knowledge in 2005 came the Congress Lectures, L. Ron Hubbard’s special events presenting his announcements of each new milestone breakthrough in the research and development of Dianetics and Scientology.
In June 2007 came the release that would “change the world of Scientology forever”: Mr. Miscavige’s presentation of the fully restored Basicscomprising L. Ron Hubbard’s 18 books and 280 lectures at the core of the Scientology religion. With more than 70 million copies of the Basics books and lectures read and listened to since 2007, this achievement alone has created a renaissance in the religion.
At the close of 2009 came the historic announcement of the Golden Age of KnowledgeComplete with the release of L. Ron Hubbard’s Professional and Advanced Clinical Course Lectures. This body of work totals more than 1,000 lectures and 500 written issues, and provides a day-to-day record of Mr. Hubbard’s path of discovery in Dianetics and Scientology.


While L. Ron Hubbard's lectures had been previously assembled from around the world and stored in archives, the poor quality of the original recordings and deterioration of master tapes seriously impaired mass reproduction. Consequently, the project to restore these lectures only became possible with advances in computer and digital technology. To reclaim Mr. Hubbard’s lectures, the Church established one of the world’s most sophisticated sound restoration studios.
Mr. Miscavige was intimately involved with every aspect of this project. He dedicated thousands of hours to ensure that every word conformed precisely to Mr. Hubbard’s original works and that his recorded lectures were universally accessible. For only in this way can Scientologists chronologically study their religion in pure, unadulterated form.
No less crucial to this scriptural restoration program was the largest global translations project in Church history, with all beginning books of Dianetics and Scientology made available in fifty languages and The Basics available in sixteen languages.
Given the sheer quantity and range of these materials, a publishing strategy was needed to ensure their production was viable in any language and in any quantity, no matter how small or large. The realization of that strategy is Bridge Publications in Los Angeles andNew Era Publications in Copenhagen, Denmark. Together these organizations comprise the world’s largest in-house, all-digital, print-on-demand publishing operation, cumulatively capable of printing 1.3 million books and producing 1 million compact discs weekly. 
Recovering, producing and broadly disseminating all materials of Dianetics and Scientology—this is the achievement of Mr. David Miscavige, and this is what will preserve Scientology for all eternity.


Mr. Hubbard long held that spiritual freedom both contributes to and stems from a belief in the brotherhood of Man. From precisely this vantage point, Mr. Miscavige tirelessly works to extend Mr. Hubbard’s social betterment technologies to all people of the world. Through the process, he has brought the technology of L. Ron Hubbard and the dedication of Scientologists to bear on what most troubles Man, including drug abuse, illiteracy, immorality and disasters, both natural and manmade. (See: Planetary Social Betterment)
As the standard-bearer for these broad-scale humanitarian movements, Mr. Miscavige has overseen Church sponsorship of international headquarters for these initiatives. These centers include Narconon Arrowhead in Oklahoma, established in 2001 as the premier facility of the worldwide Narconon drug rehabilitation and prevention network. It is the world’s largest residential facility of its kind and also serves as the international training center for drug rehab specialists. (See: Narconon: Saving Lives through Drug Rehabilitation and Prevention)
To make L. Ron Hubbard’s solutions to illiteracy widely available, the Applied Scholastics International headquarters and training center was opened in 2003 on a 100-acre campus in Missouri. Teachers from 48 nations have received training there and in turn have implemented Study Technology through more than 1,000 schools and groups in 74 nations, significantly raising reading levels wherever it is applied. (See: Applied Scholastics: Providing the Tools for Learning to Millions)
To respond to a general decline in personal and group morals in this modern age, The Way to Happiness Foundation International headquarters opened in 2003 in Glendale, California.  Over 100 million copies of the common-sense moral code, The Way to Happiness, have been produced and distributed in 105 languages across more than 150 nations, bringing greater happiness and harmony to individuals and societies. (See: The Way to Happiness: Restoring the Brotherhood of Man)
In addition to these centers for social change, Mr. Miscavige has spearheaded global humanitarian programs, all of which are made freely available in over a dozen languages.  These include The Truth About Drugs, the world’s largest nongovernmental drug education and prevention campaign; the Church-sponsored worldwide Human Rights Education Campaign promoting the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Program which provides disaster aid in every corner of the globe. (See: The Truth About DrugsHuman Rights and Scientology Volunteer Ministers: Bringing Help Whenever and Wherever the Need)
In these, and a myriad of other ways, Mr. Miscavige is realizing L. Ron Hubbard’s intention to provide the broad-scale help Mankind so urgently needs. In the process, he has provided worldwide humanitarian initiatives that Scientologists are immensely proud to support.
It is Mr. Miscavige’s unwavering adherence to L. Ron Hubbard’s vision that has propelled Scientology so far and so fast in but a quarter of a century. It is what will continue to ensure the growth of this religion and what will finally bring about a world where all may rise to greater heights.
Such was the dream of L. Ron Hubbard and such is the work of David Miscavige.

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