terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2013


"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Christian but is neither Catholic nor Protestant. Rather, it is a restoration of the original church established by Jesus Christ."
- LDS.org 

"Prophet and polygamist, mesmerizer and rabble-rouser, saint and sinner: Joseph Smith is arguably the most influential native-born figure in American religious history, and is almost certainly the most fascinating."
- Newsweek, October 17, 2005 - See more at: http://www.religionfacts.com/mormonism/index.htm#sthash.fZcZyXff.dpuf

What is Mormonism? Is Mormonism a world religion? Is Mormonism a cult? And how does Mormonism compare to Christianity? From the perspective of a Mormon, their belief system is sometimes misunderstood. From the perspective of a non-Mormon, their belief system is sometimes confusing.
Some of the topics non-Mormons want to know more about are the life and beliefs of Mormonism-founder Joseph Smith and the rulers, or former rules or Mormonism, like polygamy. Many non-Mormons also have questions about the Mormon tabernacle, and the local Mormon tabernacles. What happens there? And why is there apparent secrecy about it? Some topics that Mormons want non-Mormons to know about is that they believe they are Christians. To them its not "Christianity vs. Mormonsim," in relation to theology, like it is for many traditionally orthodox Christians.
ReligionFacts believes it would wise for Mormons and non-Mormons to find common ground over the clearly-communicated facts of Mormonism and that is the point of the articles below.
- See more at: http://www.religionfacts.com/mormonism/index.htm#sthash.fZcZyXff.dpuf

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